jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

again hackers in the hi5 of miley..

primero quiero que los hackers la dejen en paz ella esta cansada y sus fans tambien razones de real: 1: ella tiene fotos personales

2: ella responde todos tus comentarios

3: si le haces una pregunta siempre te respone

4: tiene originales en su top

5: ella es muy dulce con sus fans

6: si tu le dices fake ella siempre te dice "bien"

7: nunca te ruega para que le creas

8: da autografos originales

razones de fake: ninguna

creanle ella es la verdadera


first I want that the hackers leaves alone it her this tired one and their fans also

reason of real: 1: she has personal pictures

2: she responds all your comments

3: if you always ask him a question you she answer

4: she has original in her top

5: she is very sweet with their fans

6: if your you tell him fake she always tells "well" you

7: she never requests you so that you believe in her

8:she gives true autographs

fake reasons: none

believe her she is the true one...


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