viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

joey's hi5... so cute..

miren quien esta en hi5

es la mas tierna del espectaculo si nos referimos a joey king

razones de real: 1: contesta tus comentarios

2: tiene fotos reales

3: tiene reales en su top

4: sabe mucho sobre joey..

puede ser que ella se contecte todos los dias pero es por que ella esta muy ocupada

razones de fake: ninguna

look who this in hi5

it is the but tender of the whole show if we refer to joey king

reason of real: 1: she answer yours comment

2: she has reals photos

3: she has the reals famous in her top

4: she knows so much about joey..

she's joey
maybe she can't to be online everyday but is because she is very busy now
reason of fake: no one