Razones de real:
1-siempre responde los comentarios
2-es muy dulce contigo
3-si no le crees ella dice ''bien'' no es como otros fakes que te ruegan para que les creas.
4-tiene pics exclusivas sin letras,falsas o algo.
5-dice siempre donde esta y responde tus preguntas.
6-y lo mejor de todo hace autografos y no son falsos por que busque en internet y el autografo que ella hace es real.
7: ella sabe tanto sobre demi que es imposible que no sea ella
ella es la verdadera...
razones de fake: ninguna.
http://demi-crazy.hi5.comReasons of real:
1 - she always answers the commentaries
2 - be very sweetly with you
3 - if you do not believe in her she says "well" it is not like other fakes that request you in order that you believe in them.
4 - she have pics sole rights without letters, false or something.
5 -said always where she is and answers your questions.
6 - and the better thing of everything does autographs and they are not false for that i searches in Internet and the autograph that she does is royal.
7: She knows so much on demi that it is impossible that is not she is the real one...
Reasons of fake: none.